The programme is devoted to the fruitful interaction between the theory of higher structures and mathematical approaches to field theory. This interaction goes in both directions.
On the one hand, field theory constantly inspires new developments in almost all fields of mathematics. And higher stuctures including the modern homotopy theory and supergeometry are among the first recepients of these ideas. There is also a renewed interest in mathematical approaches to field theory including algebraic perturbative quantum field theory, factorization homology etc.
On the other hand, many tools of the higher stucture theory naturally enter the language of quantum field theory. Among the examples are A-infinity and L-infinity stuctures, Batalin-Vilkovisky structures (first discovered in physics, they made their home in mathematics, and are now back on the physics arena) and many others. An impressive recent development is the use of higher structures in the classification of states of matter.
The programme will bring together specialists in higher structures and classical and quantum field theory to create more interaction on these exciting topics.
We ask for a contribution of 10 EUR for participants and the full price of 70 EUR for accompanying persons. If you do not eat meat, let us know; there is a vegan option also.
Name | Affiliation |
Anton Alekseev | University of Genève |
Stefan Fredenhagen | University of Vienna |
Nicolai Reshetikhin | University of California, Berkeley |
Thomas Strobl | University of Lyon |
Chenchang Zhu | University of Göttingen |
Name | Affiliation |
Denis Bashkirov | Academy of Sciences of Prague |
Thomas Basile | University of Mons |
Christian Blohmann | Max Planck Institute for Mathematics |
Martin Bojowald | The Pennsylvania State University |
Francesco Bonechi | Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Firenze |
Mark Bugden | Mark Bugden |
Frédéric Butin | Institution Saint Marie |
David Carchedi | George Mason University |
Nils Carqueville | University of Vienna |
Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis | Ruđer Bošković Institute |
Oscar Cosserat | University of La Rochelle |
Miquel Cueca | University of Göttingen |
Rea Dalipi | University of Genève |
Alexei Davydov | Ohio State University |
Matias L del Hoyo | Universidade Federal Fluminense |
Ivan Dneprov | - |
Sebastian Fertl | University of Vienna |
Alessandra Frabetti | University of Lyon |
Jordan François | University of Mons |
Jürgen Fuchs | Karlstad University |
Maxim Grigoriev | University of Mons |
Aliaksandr Hancharuk | University of Lyon |
Olaf Hohm | Humboldt University |
Chris Hull | Imperial College London |
Noriaki Ikeda | Ritsumeikan University |
Nevena Ilieva | Institute of Information and Communication Technologies |
Roberta Anna Iseppi | Georg-August-Universität |
Bas Janssens | Technical University Delft |
Larisa Jonke | Institut Ruđer Bošković |
Branislav Jurco | Charles University Prague |
Alexei Kotov | University of Hradec Králové |
Iuliu-Calin Lazaroiu | Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineeering |
Antonio Miti | Max Planck Institute for Mathematics |
Hadi Nahari | University of Lyon |
Jiří Nárožný | Charles University Prague |
Milan Niestijl | University of Paderborn |
Dmitri Nikshych | University of New Hampshire |
Allison Pinto | Humboldt University |
Zohreh Ravanpak | West University of Timisoara |
David Reutter | University of Hamburg |
Vladimir Roubtsov | University of Angers |
Dmitry Roytenberg | University of Amsterdam |
Leonid Ryvkin | University of Göttingen |
Davide Saccardo | ETH Zurich |
Christian Saemann | Heriot-Watt University |
Vladimir Salnikov | CNRS / U La Rochelle |
Claudia Scheimbauer | Technical University of Munich |
Michele Schiavina | ETH Zürich |
Martin Schlichenmaier | University of Luxembourg |
Urs Schreiber | New York University Abu Dhabi |
Peter Schupp | Jacobs University Bremen |
Christoph Schweigert | University of Hamburg |
Gabriel Sevestre | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven |
Carlos Shahbazi | Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia |
Georgy Sharygin | - |
Grgur Simunic | Institut Ruđer Bošković |
Zoran Škoda | University of Zadar |
Eugene Skvortsov | University of Mons |
Rafał R. Suszek | University of Warsaw |
Richard Szabo | Heriot-Watt University |
Alice Barbara Tumpach | Wolfgang Pauli Institut |
Fridrich Valach | Imperial College London |
Cornelia Vizman | West University of Timisoara |
Friedrich Wagemann | University of Nantes |
Konrad Waldorf | University of Greifswald |
Lukas Woike | University of Copenhagen |
Hao Xu | University of Göttingen |
Maxim Zabzine | Uppsala University |