Welcome to the ESI

The Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics (ESI) is a programme-oriented research institute for mathematics and physics at the University of Vienna. Since its opening in 1993 it has been the mission of the ESI to advance research in mathematics and physics through fruitful interaction between scientists from these disciplines. [more]

If you are interested in applying for an ESI activity, please check out the links below:

Current and Upcoming Activities

Individual Visiting Scientists 2024 June 9, 2024 — July 28, 2024 Individual Scientists
The Landscape vs. the Swampland July 1, 2024 — Aug. 9, 2024 Thematic Programme
Research in Teams: Towards a Noncommutative Geometrical Approach to BV Quantisation July 27, 2024 — Aug. 31, 2024 Research in Teams
Research in Teams: Supersymmetric Solutions of 3D Minimal Massive Supergravity Aug. 10, 2024 — Sept. 29, 2024 Research in Teams
Linking Microscopic Processes to the Macroscopic Rheological Properties in Inert and Living Soft Materials Aug. 19, 2024 — Oct. 11, 2024 Thematic Programme
Non-equilibrium Processes in Physics and Biology Aug. 19, 2024 — Aug. 30, 2024 Graduate School
Spin-Orbit Entangled Quantum Magnetism Sept. 23, 2024 — Sept. 27, 2024 Workshop
Research in Teams: Entropy methods for evolutionary systems: Analysis and Numerics Oct. 3, 2024 — Oct. 13, 2024 Research in Teams
Algebraicity and Transcendence for Singular Differential Equations Oct. 7, 2024 — Oct. 19, 2024 Workshop
Thomas Strobl (U of Lyon): Geometry of Gauge theories: old and new Oct. 15, 2024 — Dec. 15, 2024 SRF Course


Upcoming Talks

Sep 23. 2024

Lattice effects in spin-orbit Mott insulators Giniyat Khaliullin (MPI Stuttgart) Sep 23. 2024, 09:40 - 10:40 Part of Spin-Orbit Entangled Quantum Magnetism (Workshop).
Vibronic vs. orbital order in magnetic insulators Liviu Chibotaru (KU Leuven) Sep 23. 2024, 10:40 - 11:20 Part of Spin-Orbit Entangled Quantum Magnetism (Workshop).
Probing and controlling multipolar orders via strain and phonons Arun Paramekanti (U Toronto) Sep 23. 2024, 11:50 - 12:30 Part of Spin-Orbit Entangled Quantum Magnetism (Workshop).
Selected problems of two-dimensional magnetism Mikhail Katsnelson (Radboud U) Sep 23. 2024, 14:00 - 14:40 Part of Spin-Orbit Entangled Quantum Magnetism (Workshop).
Magnetocrystalline anisotropy of heavy rare-earth atoms on graphene: From DFT to crystal field theory Johanna Paulina Carbone (TU Vienna) Sep 23. 2024, 14:40 - 15:00 Part of Spin-Orbit Entangled Quantum Magnetism (Workshop).
Multiferroicity and magnetoelectricity in the flatland Silvia Picozzi (CNR-SPIN) Sep 23. 2024, 15:30 - 16:10 Part of Spin-Orbit Entangled Quantum Magnetism (Workshop).

Sep 24. 2024

Signatures of fractionalization in quantum spin liquids and predictions for experiments Nandini Trived (Ohio State U, Columbus) Sep 24. 2024, 09:00 - 09:40 Part of Spin-Orbit Entangled Quantum Magnetism (Workshop).
Dynamical signatures of fractionalization in dipolar-octupolar quantum spin ice Yong Baek Kim (U Toronto) Sep 24. 2024, 09:40 - 10:00 Part of Spin-Orbit Entangled Quantum Magnetism (Workshop).
Possible spin-liquid and cluster Mott states on a breathing Kagome lattice Sergey Streltsov Sep 24. 2024, 10:00 - 10:20 Part of Spin-Orbit Entangled Quantum Magnetism (Workshop).
Transforming from Kitaev to Disguised Ising Chain Hae-Young Kee (U Toronto) Sep 24. 2024, 11:00 - 11:40 Part of Spin-Orbit Entangled Quantum Magnetism (Workshop).