Graduate Schools

Provided space is available, the ESI can host graduate student schools organized by research groups at the University of Vienna on topics in mathematics or physics aimed at local as well as external PhD students, up to a total of 60.

Graduate Schools are short programmes of one to two weeks that are aimed at young researchers such as graduate students and postdocs. These schools usually consist of a series of basic introductory lectures in the beginning, complemented by some more advanced talks on ongoing research, and are organized by renown scientists in mathematics and mathematical physics.

Summer and winter schools are usually open for application by graduate students and young researchers. More information on the application procedure can be found on the webpage of the individual activity.

For the organization of summer schools, there is no formal application procedure. If you are interested in organizing a graduate school, please take a look at the application guidelines for programmes and workshops for some useful input. Applications can be submitted anytime and should be sent in PDF-format to

Current and Upcoming

ISAPP2025: Gravitational Waves: From Theory to Detection July 7, 2025 — July 18, 2025 Graduate School

[past graduate schools]