As an organizer: The ESI welcomes proposals for thematic programmes or workshops. For details, please consult our guidelines for submission of Thematic Programme and Workshop proposals. For graduate schools there is no official application procedure. If you are interested in organizing a summer or winter school, please contact the ESI Director for more information.
As an ESI guest: Most of the thematic programmes and workshops at the ESI are invitation-oriented, which means you can not apply for participation (unless stated differently on the webpage of the event).
Groups of two to four scientists can apply for the Research in Teams programme, as explained here. Occasionally, the ESI allows individual guest researchers (ESI Scholars) at the Institute. If you are interested in a long term visit please send an informal application (mentioning your research interests, the motivation for your application and the intended time frame for your stay at the ESI) to the Director. Please note that the number of places for ESI Scholars is very limited.
Senior Research Fellowships are usually chosen based on nominations made by members of the local scientific community about one year prior to the intended time period. Lecture courses given by Senior Research Fellows are open for everyone and can be attended without registration.
Summer and winter schools are usually open for application by graduate students and young researchers. More information can be found on the webpage of the individual activity.
In general, all lectures and seminars taking place at the ESI can be attended by students of Vienna's universities and interested members of the local scientific community without official registration.