Uniform Distribution of Sequences

This workshop is devoted to interactions between continued fraction algorithms (in dimension one and mostly higher) and arithmetic, automatic and uniformly distributed sequences.
Problems in this area inspired a lot of work in dynamical systems in general, and the techniques that were developed over the years found applications well beyond their original motivation.
Milestones in the theory were achieved by Austrian and Dutch mathematicians and collaborations between them: Hlawka-Koksma and Kuipers-Niederreiter.

Specific topics of the workshop include:

- Multidimensional Diophantine approximation and multidimensional continued fraction algorithms and their relations
to Diophantine approximation and flows on homogeneous spaces.

- Substitutive and S-adic systems, and recent developments in the direction of their spectral theory and spectrall cocycles.

- Möbius normality and recent development in the area of Sarnak's and Chowla's conjectures.

Keynote speakers:

Pierre Arnoux - Université Aix-Marseille
Valérie Berthé - Université Paris
Joanna Kułaga-Przymus - University of Toruń *
Slade Sanderson - University of  Utrecht
Robert Tichy - TU Graz

We gratefully acknowledge the support of FWF and of Elsevier.

Coming soon.

There is currently no participant information available for this event.
At a glance
April 22, 2025 — April 25, 2025
ESI Boltzmann Lecture Hall
Henk Bruin (U of Vienna)
Robbert Fokkink (TU Delft)
Jörg Thuswaldner (Montanuniversität Leoben)