Programme Synopsis
Quantum field theory (QFT) provides a universal language for describing many facets of nature, [and] in particular the Standard Model of particle physics. A key part of this theory is Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the SU(3) gauge theory of the strong interactions between quarks and gluons. It describes a plethora of interesting emergent phenomena, and remains the most actively studied QFT. Computations in QCD are difficult: while its coupling constant is small at very high energies, allowing for the perturbative description of hard parton collisions, the theory becomes non-perturbative at low energies, where important phenomena occur, such as the confinement of quarks and gluons into observable hadronic bound states like the proton. One important aspect for studying the frontiers of QFT is to explore the dynamics and rich phenomenology of collisions at a proton-proton collider, like the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which simultaneously probe over two orders of magnitude in length scales. The interplay of these different length scales is responsible for many important features, such as the formation and the properties of jets, the dependence of observable quantities on the fundamental parameters of the Standard Model, and considerably complicates the task of producing precise theoretical predictions.
The challenging environment of the LHC has initiated a multitude of theoretical developments in the past years. Factorization allows us to efficiently separate dynamical processes governed by separated energy scales, to define field theory quantities that are universal for different processes and to sum up large logarithmic corrections to all orders. Fixed-order perturbative computations of hard scattering amplitudes have reached the NNLO and beyond precision level and are complemented by insights into the all-order structure of perturbation theory and soft and collinear singularities. Effective field theory methods allow for coherent formulations and development of factorized cross sections at the operator level, and enable the study of the limits of factorization as well as subleading power effects. The conceptual development of Monte Carlo event generators, parton shower algorithms and parton branching methods at the amplitude level and beyond leading order are acquiring increasing importance to reliably model the final states at the LHC. They open up the possibility to connect analytic approaches to resummation and cutting-edge development of event generators. Furthermore, theoretical predictions for many crucial processes measured at the LHC, involving the Higgs boson, heavy quarks, electroweak gauge bosons and possibly New Physics effects are continuously improved, and eventually electroweak and QED corrections have to be accounted for in experimental analyses. Progress on many of these theoretical directions will also have a direct impact on the ongoing experimental collider program. In particular, the forthcoming Run 3 of the LHC will provide a vast amount of data to test new theoretical predictions.
The purpose of the workshop is to bring together internationally recognized experts and young researchers at the interface of QFT and collider physics phenomenology. We like to support exchange and collaboration of groups, working on connected directions but using different approaches, to foster new developments and insights into many interesting questions and to contribute towards new developments.
Weekly focus topics of the Programme
July 31 - August 4: Finite-Mass and Electroweak Effects in Gauge Theories
The week focuses on extending modern QCD factorization techniques to massive and unstable particles and to account for electroweak and QED corrections using different approaches.
August 7 - 11: Singularity Structure of Quantum Field Theory Beyond the Leading Power
The week focuses on investigating the structure of quantum field theory in singular limits and to explore new universal structures.
August 14 - 18: Factorization Violation and the Space of Universal Functions
The week focuses on exploring the limits of the factorization paradigm, as well as strengthening the mathematical foundations on which it is based.
August 21 - 25: Simulation of the All Order Structure of Scattering Amplitudes
The week focuses on developing new simulation methods for QCD scattering amplitudes to improve the accuracy of theory predictions and event simulations.
August 28 - September 1: Multi-Variable Techniques for All Order Resummations in QFT
The week focuses on investigating multi-variable techniques as a means to probe the rich nature of jet dynamics.
Code of conduct
We ask all participants to respect our code of conduct.
Topics and Structure of the Workshop
The workshop lasts for 5 weeks and each week roughly focuses on one of five focus topics. The tentative schedule is as follows.
Scheduled presentations and talks
Each Tuesday and Thursday morning there will be presentations 10:00 - 11:00 and 11:30 - 12:30 by invited speakers with a coffee break from 11:00 - 11:30. Black board presentations and room for discussion are encouraged. On Wednesday morning there is the possibility to have max 2 additional talks on the request of participants in coordination with the organizers.
Sharing information
Speakers as well as all other participants of the programme are invited to provide supplementary information intended for all participants using the chat and sharing tool Mattermost. A link to the Mattermost ESI programme page will be provided before the programme starts.
ESI acknowledgement for publications
The way how you can show your appreciation to the ESI and how the ESI itself shows its impact to the University to acquire its ongoing funding is that you acknowledge the ESI in the publications that emerge during your ESI stay or that were supported by your stay at the ESI in any way. The ESI gathers this information for its yearly report to the University Rectorate, which is important for its continuing funding. We strongly encourage you to add such an acknowledgement to your papers and to let the orgnizers know about it, such that that information can be passed to the ESI staff.
We thank the Erwin-Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics at the University of Vienna for partial support during the Programme ``Quantum Field Theory at the Frontiers of the Strong Interactions", July 31 - September 1, 2023.
ESI access outside office hours
The ESI's office hours are between 9:00 and 17:00 each working day, Monday till Friday. The ESI is closed during the weekend (Saturday and Sunday) as well as on Assumption Day (Tuesday, August 15), which is a public holiday. Outside office hours, during the weekend and on holidays you need the magnetic ESI access card to enter the ESI site. You can get an ESI access card from the ESI staff during office hours paying a deposit of 40 Euros, which is returned to you once you give the card back to the ESI staff.
Things to do in Vienna
There are lots of interesting things for you or your family to do in Vienna in summer. Event, water, mountains, sightseeing, museums, outdoor, indoor, you name it. You can find all information on the internet. Some useful links are collected below.
Name | Affiliation |
André H. Hoang | University of Vienna |
Simon Plätzer | University of Graz |
Massimiliano Procura | University of Vienna |
Malin Sjödahl | Lund University |
Iain Stewart | MIT |
Name | Affiliation |
Samuel Alipour-Fard | MIT |
Thomas Becher | University of Bern |
Guido Bell | University of Siegen |
Martin Beneke | Technical University of Munich |
Miguel Benitez | University of Salamanca |
Philipp Böer | Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz |
Diogo Boito | Universidade de São Paulo |
Radja Boughezal | Argonne National Laboratory |
Alejandro Bris | Universidad Autonoma de Madrid |
Alessandro Broggio | University of Vienna |
Robin Brüser | Albert Ludwigs U Freiburg |
Yang-Ting Chien | Georgia State University |
Marston Copeland | Duke University |
Tyler Corbett | University of Vienna |
Simon Dampfhofer | University of Graz |
Mrinal Dasgupta | University of Manchester |
Bahman Dehnadi | DESY Hamburg |
Markus Diehl | DESY Hamburg |
Gerhard Ecker | University of Vienna |
Anna Ferdinand | MIT |
Jeffrey Forshaw | University of Manchester |
Anjie Gao | MIT |
Einan Gardi | University of Edinburgh |
Jonathan Gaunt | University of Manchester |
Thomas Gehrmann | University of Zurich |
Aude Gehrmann-De Ridder | ETH Zürich |
Andrea Ghira | Università di Genova & INFN |
Marco Guzzi | Kennesaw State University |
Hofie Hannesdottir | Institute for Advanced Study |
Reed Hodges | Duke University |
Max Jaarsma | University of Amsterdam |
Matthias Jamin | Heidelberg University |
Sebastian Jaskiewicz | Durham University |
Elizabeth Jenkins | University of California, San Diego |
Daekyoung Kang | Fudan University |
Stefan Keppeler | University of Tübingen |
Sergio Leal Gomez | University of Vienna |
Daniel Lechner | University of Vienna |
Kyle Lee | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Zoltán Ligeti | Lawrence Berkeley Lab |
Ze Long Liu | CERN |
Maximilian Löschner | DESY Hamburg |
Michael Luke | University of Toronto |
Axel Maas | University of Graz |
Peter Majcen | University of Padua, Padua, Italy |
Aneesh Manohar | University of California, San Diego |
Simone Marzani | University of Genova |
Vicent Mateu | Universidad de Salamanca |
Thomas Mehen | Duke University |
Dmitri Melikhov | University of Vienna |
Johannes Michel | MIT |
Sven-Olaf Moch | University of Hamburg |
Pier Monni | CERN |
Helmut Neufeld | University of Vienna |
Aditya Pathak | DESY Hamburg |
Frank Petriello | Northwestern University Evanston |
Rudi Rahn | The University of Manchester |
Sanjay Raman | MIT |
Anton Rebhan | Technical University of Vienna |
Christoph Regner | University of Vienna |
German Rodrigo | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas |
Ira Rothstein | Carnegie Mellon University |
Ines Ruffa | University of Vienna |
Nicolas Schalch | University of Bern |
Matthew Schwartz | Harvard University |
Ignazio Scimemi | Universidad Complutense de Madrid |
Maximilian Stahlhofen | Albert Ludwigs U Freiburg |
Julian Strohm | Technische Universität München |
Zhiquan Sun | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Robert Szafron | Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Fernando Torre Gonzalez | The University of Manchester |
Varun Vaidya | University of South Dakota |
Leonardo Vernazza | Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, sezione di Torino |
Gherardo Vita | CERN |
Rebecca von Kuk | DESY Hamburg |
Wouter Waalewijn | University of Amsterdam |
HuaXing Zhu | Peking University |