Causality and singularities of multiloop scattering amplitudes from the loop-tree duality

German Rodrigo (CSIC, Madrid)

Aug 22. 2023, 10:00 — 11:00

We make a short review of the loop-tree duality and show how the loop-tree duality leads to integrand representations of multiloop scattering amplitudes which are manifestly causal. The causal representation provides, moreover, a poweful tool to easily identify the singularities of the scattering amplitudes. It also represents a benchmark example to introduce quantum computing and quantum algorithms.     

Further Information
ESI Schrödinger Lecture Hall
Associated Event:
Quantum Field Theory at the Frontiers of the Strong Interaction (Thematic Programme)
André H. Hoang (U of Vienna)
Simon Plätzer (U of Graz)
Massimiliano Procura (U of Vienna)
Malin Sjödahl (Lund U)
Iain Stewart (MIT, Cambridge)