Reverse Mathematics

Reverse Mathematics addresses the question of which axioms of mathematics are necessary in order to prove a specific theorem or develop a specific branch of mathematics. This often reveals new insights on these theorems and branches, such as connections with other parts of mathematics, generalizations, and explicit proofs that provide additional information on the objects constructed. The program will gather experts who have contributed to the development of the field in its first 50 years in order to discuss recent advances and future directions.

The program will last 10 weeks and include visits from researchers, collaborations, talks, and four weeks of focus workshops. 

Week 2 (June 30–July 4). Workshop "Reverse Mathematics and Higher Computability Theory."
Schedule and speakers to be announced.

Week 6 (July 28–August 1). Summer School "Reverse Mathematics: New Paradigms."
Schedule and speakers to be announced.

Week 7 (August 4–8). Workshop "Reverse Mathematics: New Paradigms."
Schedule and speakers to be announced.

Week 10 (August 25–29). Workshop "Reverse Mathematics: Beyond Logic."
Schedule and speakers to be announced.

Coming soon.

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At a glance
Thematic Programme
June 23, 2025 — Aug. 29, 2025
ESI Boltzmann Lecture Hall
Juan Aguilera (TU Vienna)
Linda Brown Westrick (Penn State U)
Noam Greenberg (Victoria U of Wellington)
Denis Hirschfeldt (U of Chicago)