Submission of proposals for Thematic Programmes

As a rule, the ESI schedules four to six thematic programmes each year. On this page you can find details on the application process for the organization of thematic programmes. Note that the ESI considers the fruitful interaction between mathematicians and physicists an important component in the evaluation - and acceptance - of program proposals.

1.) Submission of thematic program proposals

Proposals should be submitted in PDF-format to

Download the cover sheet that has to be submitted together with your proposal here.

Submission deadline for proposals for thematic programmes for 2027: October 1, 2025

Proposals must contain:

  • The names of the organizers, including a local organizer
  • A proposed time slot (usually 1-3 months)
  • A brief but precise description of the scientific aims of the program, about 2-3 pages in length, supported by key references. The ideas and topics to be discussed and tackled in the program should be stated clearly and as specifically as possible.
  • A brief discussion of the timeliness and novelty of the program and its anticipated impact in the field
  • A thorough description of the planned activities and structure of the program
  • A list of scientists to be invited including some key contributors who ideally have already expressed their intention to participate. In compiling the list attention should be paid to gender and diversity.
  • A description of potential interactions with local scientists and the impact of the program on the Vienna scientific community
  • A list of related programmes at other institutions and a brief discussion of how they are related
  • An indication of additional funds raised by the organizers to support the program

The ESI strongly supports efforts to improve the gender balance in mathematics and physics and particularly encourages the participation of women in all ESI activities. For thematic programmes, organizers should aim for at least 20% female participants and ideally also the organizing team should include women. The expected number of female participants should be stated in the proposal. Note that 20% of the ESI budget foreach thematic program will be reserved for per diem payments to female participants only.

Program proposals will be presented to the members of the International Scientific Advisory Board of the ESI to be discussed by them at their annual meeting (usually in the fall of the year n-2). The Director of the ESI will then communicate the decisions of the SAB on the submitted program proposals to the applicants.

The financial support for thematic programmes by the ESI will typically be in the range of EUR 36.000-84.000 (corresponding to 15-35 person-months). The Institute encourages visits by qualified scientists who wish to collaborate with participants of ESI research programmes and local scientists (see ESI scholars).

The ESI supports program participants with a per diem of up to EUR 80 per night spent in Vienna. Travel expenses are not reimbursed by the ESI.

2.) Guidelines for thematic program proposals

Applicants should initially concentrate on identifying a representative group of leading experts in the field as prospective participants. This will help to give scientific direction and focus to the programme.

Applicants are encouraged to look for additional sources of funding for their thematic programme. In particular, they should indicate contributions they expect from other sources, names of scientists able to participate using own funds, and kinds of support for post-docs or graduate students they envisage.

Programmes typically run for 1-3 months and may include one or more periods of special activities ("workshops", "conferences", typically 1-3 weeks). The applicants should indicate their preferred dates for such activities. Upon final acceptance of a program proposal, the ESI Director will coordinate the dates of such specific activities of the various thematic programmes and inform the applicants accordingly.

Once your program or workshop proposal has been accepted, please visit our info for organizers page for further details.