Published on Jan. 14, 2025
The following workshops have been confirmed for 2025:
February 17 -- 21, 2025: Recent Perspectives on Non-crossing Partitions through Algebra, Combinatorics, and Probability
Organizers: Adrian Celestino Rodriguez (TU Graz), Kurusch Ebrahimi-Fard (NTNU, Trondheim), James Mingo (Queen's University), Martin Rubey (TU Vienna), Eleni Tzanaki (U of Crete), Yannic Vargas (TU Graz)
February 24 -- 28, 2025: Degenerate and Singular PDEs
Organizers: Verena Bögelein (PLUS, Salzburg), Ugo Gianazza (U of Pavia), Juha Kinnunen (Aalto U), Naian Liao (PLUS, Salzburg)
March 17 -- 21, 2025: Structures in Banach Spaces
Organizers: Antonio Aviles (U Murcia), Vera Fischer (U of Vienna), Grzegorz Plebanek (U of Wroclaw), Damian Sobota (U of Vienna)
April 22 -- 25, 2025: Uniform Distribution of Sequences
Organizers: Henk Bruin (U of Vienna), Robbert Fokkink (TU Delft), Jörg Thuswaldner (Montanuniversität Leoben)
May 5 -- 9, 2025: Quantum Harmonic Analysis
Organizers: Markus Faulhuber (U of Vienna), Hans G. Feichtinger (U of Vienna), Franz Luef (NTNU, Trondheim)
June 10 -- 13, 2025: Extremal Statistics in Biology
Organizers: Ariel Amir (Weizmann Institute, Rehovot), Christoph Dellago (U of Vienna), Ethan Levien (DC)
September 1 -- 5, 2025: Eisenstein Series, Spaces of Automorphic Forms, and Applications
Organizers: Neven Grbac (UNIPU), Marcela Hanzer (U Zagreb), Stephen S. Kudla (U Toronto)
Joachim Schwermer (U of Vienna)
September 8 -- 12, 2025: Charged Soft Matter: Bridging Theory and Experiment
Organizers: Emanuela Bianchi (TU Vienna), Peter Košovan (Charles U, Prague), Christos Likos (U of Vienna), Roman Staňo (U of Vienna)
September 22 -- 26, 2025: Putting the Cosmic Large-scale Structure on the Map: Theory Meets Numbers
Organizers: Oliver Hahn (U of Vienna), Cornelius Rampf (RBI, Zagreb), Cora Uhlemann (U of Bielefeld)
November 24 -- 28, 2025: Quantum Many-body Systems and Bose-Einstein Condensation: A Mathematical Physics Perspective
Organizers: Serena Cenatiempo (Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila), Christian Hainzl (LMU Munich), Robert Seiringer (ISTA, Klosterneuburg)