Modern Maximal Monotone Operator Theory: From Nonsmooth Optimization to Differential Inclusions

The programme aims to bring together leading researchers to synthesize advances in areas related to the theory of monotone operators, and explore new directions and applications. Having its historical roots in the area of PDEs, the theory of monotone operators has flourished in functional and numerical analysis with the goal of answering deep theoretical questions on one hand and, on the other hand, with a focus on the development of algorithms. Monotone operators stand at the junction between the study of variational problems, with particular instances related to optimization, game theory and control, on one side, and partial differential equations or quasi-variational inequalities on the other. The expected results catalyzed through this thematic programme have the potential to improve our understanding, industrial processes and ultimately our lives. Special focus of this thematic programme is also given to train the next generation of scientists with an awareness of the interconnections between these important areas.


The programme contains two main Workshops and several Lecture Series:

Workshop 1:  Nonsmooth and Variational Analysis, January 28 - February 1, 2019 link to WS 1 website, Schedule (pdf), Abstracts (pdf)
Workshop 2: Numerical Algorithms in Nonsmooth Optimization, February 25 - March 1, 2019 link to WS 2 website, Schedule (pdf), Abstracts (pdf) Slides Prof. Combettes (pdf)  link to the Lecture Series website
Lecture Series 1: February 4 - 7, 2019 Piermarco Cannarsa U Roma "Tor Vergata" Singularities of solutions to Hamilton-Jacobi equations Hélène Frankowska CNRS Paris Optimal controls for evolution control systems Michael Hintermüller WIAS Berlin Optimal control of nonsmooth structures Fredi Tröltzsch TU Berlin An introduction to the optimal control of nonlinear partial differential equations Schedule Lecture Series 1 (pdf)
Lecture Series 2: February 21 - 22, 2019 Peter Richtarik KAUST/U Edinburgh Introduction to randomized methods in convex optimization Marc Teboulle U Tel Aviv Proximal methods in optimization Schedule Lecture Series 2 (pdf) Slides Prof. Richtarik (pdf)
Lecture Series 3: March 4 - 6, 2019

 Aris Daniilidis

U Santiago de Chile Exploring structure in variational analysis and optimization Jean-Christophe Pesquet U Paris-Saclay Stochastic splitting algorithms for solving monotone inclusions and convex optimization problems Schedule Lecture Series 3 (pdf) Slides Prof. Pesquet (pdf)
Registration for Lecture Series is open until November 30, 2018!

Coming soon.

This event has no subevents associated to it.


Name Affiliation
Heinz Bauschke University of British Columbia
Radu Ioan Bot University of Vienna
Helene Frankowska CNRS Paris
Michael Hintermüller Weierstrass Institute Berlin
Russell Luke University of Göttingen


Name Affiliation
Samir Adly University of Limoges
Hedy Attouch University of Montpellier
Didier Aussel University of Perpignan
Sebastian Banert KTH Stockholm
Vincenzo Basco Sorbonne University
Térence Bayen University of Montpellier
Amir Beck Tel Aviv University
Ewa Bednarczuk Polish Academy of Sciences
Matúš Benko Johannes Kepler Universität
Arian Berdellima Georg-August-Universität
Julien Bernis University of Brest
Piernicola Bettiol University Bretagne Occidentale
Axel Böhm University of Vienna
Jérôme Bolte University Toulouse Capitole
Immanuel Bomze University of Vienna
Benoît Bonnet University Aix-Marseille
Pedro Henrique Borges de Melo Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Orestes Bueno Universidad del Pacifico
Piermarco Cannarsa University of Rome Tor Vergata
Coralia Cartis University of Oxford
Volkan Cevher EPFL, Lausanne
Robert Csetnek University of Vienna
Aris Daniilidis Technical University of Vienna
Minh Dao University of Newcastle
Assen Dontchev University of Michigan
Jonathan Eckstein Rutgers University
Caroline Geiersbach University of Vienna
Marina Ghisi University of Pisa
Pontus Giselsson Lund University
Massimo Gobbino University of Pisa
Rafal K. Goebel Loyola University
Sorin-Mihai Grad University of Vienna
René Henrion Weierstrass Institute Berlin
Josef Hofbauer University of Vienna
Christian Kanzow University of Würzburg
Pham Duy Khanh Universidad de Chile
Diethard Klatte University of Zurich
Wojciech Kryszewski Lodz University of Technology
Karl Kunisch University of Graz
Szilard Csaba Laszlo University Cluj-Napoca
Florian Lauster University of Göttingen
Eric Legler Technical University Chemnitz
Shu Lu University of North Carolina
Yurii Malitskyi University of Vienna
Elsa Maria Marchini Politecnico di Milano
Juan Enrique Martinez Legaz University Autonoma de Barcelona
Shin-ya Matsuhita Akita Prefectural University
Dennis Meier University of Vienna
Tiago Montanher University of Vienna
Boris Mordukhovich Wayne State University
Ion Necoara University Politehnica Bucharest
Dang-Khoa Nguyen University of Vienna
Nimit Nimana Khon Kaen University
Dominikus Noll University Toulouse Capitole
Hui Ouyang University of British Columbia
Keita Owari Ritsumeikan University
Panagiotis Patrinos Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Teemu Pennanen King's College London
Jean-Christophe Pesquet Université Paris-Saclay
Adrian Petrusel Babes-Bolyai University
Gabriela Petrusel Babes-Bolyai University
Juan Peypouquet Universidad de Chile
Georg Pflug University of Vienna
Tu Vuong Phan University of Vienna
Marc Quincampoix University of Brest
Franco Rampazzo Università di Padova
Carlos Rautenberg Weierstrass Institute Berlin
Elena Resmerita Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
Terry Ralph Rockafellar University of Washington
José Francisco Rodrigues University of Lisbon
Ernest Ryu University of California, Los Angeles
Shoham Sabach Technion Haifa
Teresa Scarinci University of Vienna
Otmar Scherzer University of Vienna
Michael Sedlmayer University of Vienna
Stephen Simons University of California
Mathias Staudigl University Maastricht
Ulisse Stefanelli University of Vienna
Defeng Sun The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Thomas Michael Surowiec Philipps-Universität Marburg
Matthew Tam Georg-August-Universität
Marc Teboulle Tel Aviv University
Michel Thera Limoges University
Fredi Tröltzsch Technical University Berlin
Michael Ulbrich Technische Universität München
Stefan Ulbrich Technical University Darmstadt
André Uschmajew Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
Tuomo Valkonen University of Helsinki
Vladimir Veliov Technical University of Vienna
Silvia Villa University of Genova
Richard Vinter Imperial College London
Enrico Wegner Maastricht University
Elise Weill-Duflos Université Paris-Saclay
Isao Yamada Tokyo Institute of Technology
Xiaoqi Yang Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Wenfang Yao Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Wotao Yin University of California, Los Angeles
Xiaoming Yuan The University of Hong Kong
Constantin Zalinescu University Al.I.Cuza
At a glance
Thematic Programme
Jan. 28, 2019 — March 8, 2019
ESI Boltzmann Lecture Hall
Heinz Bauschke (U of British Columbia, Kelowna)
Radu Ioan Bot (U of Vienna)
Helene Frankowska (CNRS, Paris)
Michael Hintermüller (WIAS, Berlin)
Russell Luke (U Göttingen)