Symmetry and renormalisation in regularity structures

Ajay Chandra (Imperial College London)

Nov 16. 2021, 15:45 — 16:45

I will discuss a combinatorial framework developed to construct regularity structures that are natural for vector valued noise and then describe renormalisation within these new regularity structures along with the symmetry properties of renormalisation counterterms. This is based on joint works with Ilya Chevyrev, Martin Hairer, and Hao Shen. 

Further Information
ESI Boltzmann Lecture Hall
Slides Weber
Slides Weber
Associated Event:
Higher Structures Emerging from Renormalisation (Graduate School)
Pierre Clavier (U of Haut-Alsace)
Kurusch Ebrahimi-Fard (NTNU, Trondheim)
Peter K. Friz (TU Berlin)
Harald Grosse (U of Vienna)
Dominique Manchon (U Clerment Auvergne)
Sylvie Paycha (U of Potsdam)
Sylke Pfeiffer (U of Potsdam)