Central extensions in infinite dimensions

Cornelia Vizman (WU of Timisoara)

Jan 14. 2025, 09:00 — 09:30

First I will present Neeb's theorem on integrability of central Lie algebra extensions in infinite dimensions.

Then I will describe two methods of integration, exemplified for current groups and diffeomorphism groups. One method uses path groups, the other one uses the prequantization central extension due to Kostant and Souriau.

Further Information
ESI Boltzmann Lecture Hall
Associated Event:
Infinite-dimensional Geometry: Theory and Applications (Thematic Programme)
Tomasz Goliński (U of Białystok)
Gabriel Larotonda (U of Buenos Aires)
Alice Barbara Tumpach (WPI, Vienna)
Cornelia Vizman (WU of Timisoara)