Recent progress in the numerical studies of the Lorentzian IKKT model

Konstantinos Anagnostopoulos (National and Technical U of Athens)

Sep 07. 2023, 11:00 — 11:40

The IKKT matrix model has attracted considerable interest as a promising candidate for a non-perturbative formulation of superstring theory. In this model, we may study the scenario of the dynamical emergence of four-dimensional spacetime in superstring theory. Numerical simulations have been extensively used to study this nonperturbative effect on the Euclidean model. Recently, the Lorentzian model has also been studied, even though it has a strong complex action problem. This has been made feasible by using the Complex Langevin Method (CLM). In this talk, we provide an overview of this effort, and  discuss the effect of adding a  Lorentz invariant mass term to the original model.

Further Information
ESI Boltzmann Lecture Hall
Associated Event:
Large-N Matrix Models and Emergent Geometry (Workshop)
Sumit Ranjan Das (U Kentucky)
Masanori Hanada (QMU London)
Sean Hartnoll (U of Cambridge)
Antal Jevicki (Brown U, Providence)
Joanna Karczmarek (UBC)
Harold Steinacker (U of Vienna)