The Fuzzy Onion

Samuel Kovacik (Comenius U, Bratislava)

Sep 06. 2023, 12:30 — 13:00

It is generally believed that the space has a nontrivial structure which is apparent on the order of the Planck length. There is a class of models of three-dimensional quantum spaces constructed using different mathematical tools. Also, there is another class of models with matrix descriptions of spaces of various dimensions and geometries with built-in momentum cut-off -- these are called fuzzy spaces; the fuzzy sphere is a prominent example. We describe how to connect various spheres together to foliate a three-dimensional space dubbed the fuzzy onion. We show three physical examples of this model: quartic field theory, Coulomb problem and heat transfer.


Further Information
ESI Boltzmann Lecture Hall
Associated Event:
Large-N Matrix Models and Emergent Geometry (Workshop)
Sumit Ranjan Das (U Kentucky)
Masanori Hanada (QMU London)
Sean Hartnoll (U of Cambridge)
Antal Jevicki (Brown U, Providence)
Joanna Karczmarek (UBC)
Harold Steinacker (U of Vienna)