Landau law and stability of 3D shocks

Igor Rodnianski (Princeton U)

Feb 14. 2022, 18:00 — 19:00

We will discuss stability and long term behavior of 3 dimensional compressible irrotational shocks arising in the compressible Euler equations. In 1945, Landau argued that spherically symmetric solutions which form weak shocks will settle to a profile with 2 shocks decaying at the rate proportionate to 1/{t\sqrt{\log t}}. We address this conjecture by first identifying the asymptotic profile which exhibit 2 shocks, as a self-similar solution of a related Burgers equation, and then proving its stability and the conjectured rate of decay for general (non-spherically symmetric) perturbations. This is joint work with D. Ginsberg.

Further Information
ESI Boltzmann Lecture Hall
Associated Event:
Mathematical Perspectives of Gravitation beyond the Vacuum Regime (Thematic Programme)
Håkan Andréasson (Chalmers U of Technology, Gothenburg)
David Fajman (U of Vienna)
Jérémie Joudioux (MPIGP, Potsdam)
Todd Oliynyk (Monash U, Melbourne)