Carrollian fields at timelike infinity

Jakob Salzer (ULB, Brussels)

Apr 02. 2024, 14:30 — 15:00

Motivated by flat space holography, I will argue that massive spin-s fields in Minkowski space near timelike infinity are massive carrollian fields on the carrollian counterpart of anti-de Sitter space called Ti. Its isometries form the Poincaré group. On this space, I will construct the carrollian spin-s fields using the method of induced representations and show their relation to Wigner's UIR of Poincaré. One can furthermore providea a dictionary between massive carrollian fields on Ti and massive fields in Minkowski space.

This talk is based on 2402.05190 with E. Have, K. Nguyen, and S. Prohazka

Further Information
ESI Schrödinger and Boltzmann Lecture Hall
Associated Event:
Carrollian Physics and Holography (Thematic Programme)
Andrea Campoleoni (U of Mons)
Pedro del Real Lavergne (U of Vienna)
Laura Donnay (SISSA, Trieste)
Adrien Fiorucci (TU Vienna)
Stefan Fredenhagen (U of Vienna)
Daniel Grumiller (TU Vienna)
Stefan Prohazka (U of Vienna)