Schoen's conjecture for limits of isoperimetric surfaces

Thomas Körber (U of Vienna)

Dec 04. 2023, 15:00 — 15:55

R. Schoen has conjectured that an asymptotically flat Riemannian n-manifold (M,g) with non-negative scalar curvature is isometric to Euclidean space if it admits a non-compact area-minimizing hypersurface. This has been confirmed by O. Chodosh and M. Eichmair in the case where n=3. In this talk, I will present recent work with M. Eichmair where we confirm this conjecture in the case where 3<n<8 and the area-minimizing hypersurface arises as the limit of large isoperimetric hypersurfaces. By contrast, we show that a large part of spatial Schwarzschild of dimension 3<n<8 is foliated by non-compact area-minimizing hypersurfaces.


Further Information
ESI Boltzmann Lecture Hall
Associated Event:
Mathematical Relativity: Past, Present, Future (Workshop)
Piotr T. Chruściel (U of Vienna)
Michael Eichmair (U of Vienna)
Gerhard Huisken (U Tübingen)
Jim Isenberg (U of Oregon, Eugene)