Asymptotics of non-linear and linear waves on asymptotically flat spacetimes

Shi-Zhuo Looi (CalTech)

Jul 17. 2023, 09:30 — 10:20

In this talk, we start with basic examples of wave decay and then delve into the investigation of asymptotic expansions for both non-linear and linear wave propagation in asymptotically flat spacetimes, allowing for non-stationary spacetimes without spherical symmetry assumptions, and localized and regular initial data. We present a novel approach combining integrated local energy decay, the r^p method, and, from a spectral perspective, resolvent expansions near zero energy. Potential applications of this research include scenarios involving waves interacting with spatially-localized objects, such as solitons.

Further Information
ESI Boltzmann Lecture Hall
Associated Event:
Spectral Theory and Mathematical Relativity (Thematic Programme)
Piotr T. Chruściel (U of Vienna)
Peter Hintz (ETH Zurich)
Alexander Strohmaier (U Leeds)
Steven Morris Zelditch † (Northwestern U Evanston)