Massive waves gravitationally bound to static bodies

Ethan Sussman (MIT, Cambridge)

Jun 15. 2023, 15:00 — 15:50

It is known that, on a large class of astrophysical spacetimes, solutions to the massless wave equation with nice initial data disperse and decay over time. It is thought that solutions to the Klein--Gordon equation on the exact Schwarzschild (or Reissner--Nordstrom) exterior also decay over time. This is not the case on static spacetimes whose spatial slices are asymptotically conic manifolds modeled on the large end of the Reiessner-Nordstrom exterior, including static spacetimes generated by astrophysical bodies lacking the necessary density to form a black hole. On such spacetimes, we prove the existence of infinitely many standing wave solutions to the equation with Schwartz initial data.

Further Information
ESI Boltzmann Lecture Hall
Associated Event:
Spectral Theory and Mathematical Relativity (Thematic Programme)
Piotr T. Chruściel (U of Vienna)
Peter Hintz (ETH Zurich)
Alexander Strohmaier (U Leeds)
Steven Morris Zelditch † (Northwestern U Evanston)