Emergent Metric Space-Time and Early Universe Cosmology from the BFSS Matrix Model

Robert Brandenberger (McGill U)

Sep 08. 2023, 11:00 — 11:40

Starting from a high temperature state of the BFSS matrix model, I will discuss how a four-dimensional metric space-time emerges, and illustrate the emergent early universe cosmology. The emergent space-time is spatially flat and infinite. Thermal fluctuations yield approximately scale-invariant spectra of cosmological perturbations and gravitational waves. No period of inflation is required in order to successfully explain current data.

Further Information
ESI Boltzmann Lecture Hall
Associated Event:
Large-N Matrix Models and Emergent Geometry (Workshop)
Sumit Ranjan Das (U Kentucky)
Masanori Hanada (QMU London)
Sean Hartnoll (U of Cambridge)
Antal Jevicki (Brown U, Providence)
Joanna Karczmarek (UBC)
Harold Steinacker (U of Vienna)