Renormalization group and quantum error correction

Asato Tsuchiya (Shizuoka U)

Sep 05. 2023, 14:00 — 14:40

Tensor network models (MERA, HaPPY code, random tensor network, etc.) are considered as giving networks that can be interpreted as discrete bulk geometry emerging from a boundary theory through quantum entanglement. It is needed to construct a continuum analog of tensor network to obtain continuum bulk geometry. The scale dependence of a wave functional is expected to give such a continuum network. It has also been discussed that quantum error correction plays a crucial role in the correspondence between bulk and boundary. In this talk, we derive an exact renormalization group equation that can determine the scale dependence of wave functionals and discuss the structure of quantum error correction in continuum networks.

Further Information
ESI Boltzmann Lecture Hall
Associated Event:
Large-N Matrix Models and Emergent Geometry (Workshop)
Sumit Ranjan Das (U Kentucky)
Masanori Hanada (QMU London)
Sean Hartnoll (U of Cambridge)
Antal Jevicki (Brown U, Providence)
Joanna Karczmarek (UBC)
Harold Steinacker (U of Vienna)