Swarmalators without force reciprocity

Antoine Diez (Kyoto U)

Dec 01. 2022, 15:30 — 16:30

Swarmalators are systems of agents which are both self-propelled particles and oscillators. Each particle is endowed with a phase which modulates its interaction force with the other particles. In return, relative positions modulate phase synchronization between interacting particles. This new theorectical paradigm has been recently introduced by O'Keeffe, Hong and Strogartz (Nature Comm. 8, 2017) as a minimal model for various biological phenomena. In the model that I will present, there is no force reciprocity: when a particle attracts another one, the latter repels the former. This results in a pursuit behavior. In a recent work with P. Degond and A. Walcak, we have derived a hydrodynamic model of this swarmalator system and have shown that it has explicit doubly-periodic travelling-wave solutions in two space dimensions. These special solutions enjoy non-trivial topology quantified by the index of the phase vector along a period in either dimension. Stability of these solutions is studied by investigating the conditions for hyperbolicity of the model. Numerical solutions of both the particle and hydrodynamic models will also be shown. They confirm the consistency of the hydrodynamic model with the particle one for small times or large phase-noise but also reveal the emergence of intriguing patterns in the case of small phase-noise.

Further Information
ESI Boltzmann Lecture Hall
Associated Event:
Mathematical Methods for the Study of Self-organization in the Biological Sciences (Thematic Programme)
Pierre Degond (IMT, Toulouse)
Marie Doumic (Sorbonne U, Paris)
Anna Kicheva (ISTA, Klosterneuburg)
Sara Merino-Aceituno (U of Vienna)
Christian Schmeiser (U of Vienna)