Entanglement in Many-body Quantum Matter: Dynamics, Dissipation, Equilibration


The field of entangled matter out of equilibrium and at finite temperature attracts a broad range of researchers from mathematical physics and analytical methods all the way to numerical simulations, and simultaneously with interests ranging from the study of model systems all the way to the practical realization of such systems both on the theoretical and on the experimental side. The goal of the program is to bring together scientists from these different communities, and to stimulate intense interactions among them, with the aim of making key progress on the status of the field.


The program will be structured along three major topical directions: The classification of the behavior of driven, non-equilibrium, and thermal systems, their numerical study, and their experimental realization.

We will host a one-week workshop:

19.-23. May 2025: Workshop “Entangled matter out-of-equilibrium“

During the remaining weeks, there will be a light program, with informal presentations by participants, to allow for ample time for discussions and collaborations.


Workshop “Entangled matter out-of-equilibrium“

The workshop, covering recent developments on all the topics of interest, will take place 19.-23. May 2025.

Confirmed speakers:

  • Dimitry Abanin
  • Monika Aidelsburger
  • Annabelle Bohrdt
  • Angela Capel Cuevas
  • Juan Carrasquilla
  • Natalia Chepiga
  • Jerome Dubail
  • Fabian Essler
  • Philipp Hauke
  • Wen Wei Ho
  • Julian Leonard
  • David Luitz
  • Lorenzo Piroli
  • Frank Pollmann
  • Tomaz Prosen
  • Giulia Semeghini
  • Federica Maria Surace
  • Curt von Keyserlingk
  • Ana Maria Rey

Coming soon.

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At a glance
Thematic Programme
May 12, 2025 — June 13, 2025
ESI Boltzmann Lecture Hall
Mari Carmen Banuls (MPI Quantum Optics, Garching)
Hannes Pichler (IQOQI, Innsbruck)
Norbert Schuch (U of Vienna)
Maksym Serbyn (ISTA, Klosterneuburg)