The conference covers classical topics in approximation theory, such as
Multivariate approximation and interpolation,
Spline theory, Radial basis functions, polynomial approximation,
Wavelets theory and applications,
Numerical Methods for approximation,
In the last decades approximation theory has evolved into several independent fields that no longer labeled approximation theory. However, the mathematical foundations and conceptual ideas of these fields are invariably based on approximation theory. The goal of this conference is to reconnect and harmonize the classical directions of approximation theory with some of its modern reincarnations, such as
Learning theory,
Compressed sensing,
Computational harmonic analysis,
Geometry processing, Subdivision schemes,
Meshless approximation, Numerical Methods for PDEs,
Sparse approximation,
The special feature of MAIA is the emphasis on conceptual unity and enriching, friendly and professional interactions.
Coming soon.
Name | Affiliation |
Maria Charina | University of Vienna |
Karlheinz Gröchenig | University of Vienna |
Philipp Grohs | University of Vienna |
Johannes Wallner | Technical University of Graz |
Name | Affiliation |
Amir Anat | Tel Aviv University |
Elena Berdysheva | University of Giessen |
Julius Berner | University of Vienna |
Peter Binev | University of South Carolina |
Helmut Bölcskei | ETH Zürich |
Leonard Bos | University of Verona |
Marcin Bownik | Department of Mathematics Oregon |
Jesús Carnicer Álvarez | University of Zaragoza |
Mark Jason Celiz | University of Vienna |
Constanza Conti | University of Florence |
Mariantonia Cotronei | DIIES - Universitá Mediteranea di Reggio Calabria |
Wolfgang Dahmen | University of South Carolina |
Oleg Davydov | University of Giessen |
Carl De Boor | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Shai Dekel | Tel Aviv University |
Stefano De Marchi | University of Padova |
Benedikt Diederich | University of Passau |
Nira Dyn | Tel Aviv University |
Martin Ehler | University of Vienna |
Hans G. Feichtinger | University of Vienna |
Michael Floater | University of Oslo |
Hartmut Führ | RWTH Aachen |
Arash Ghaani Farashahi | University of Leeds |
Kurt Jetter | University of Hohenheim |
Bert Jüttler | Johannes Kepler Universität |
Andreas Klotz | University of Vienna |
Sarah Koppensteiner | University of Vienna |
Oleksandr Kozynenko | University of Dnjpro |
Angela Kunoth | University of Cologne |
Jeremy Levesley | University of Leicester |
David Levin | Tel Aviv University |
Tom Lyche | University of Oslo |
Lars-Benjamin Maier | Technical University Darmstadt |
Jean-Luis Merrien | INSA of Rennes |
Caroline Moosmüller | University of California, San Diego |
Bernard Mourrain | INRIA, Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique |
Olga Mula Hernandez | Paris Dauphine University |
Anthony Nouy | Centrale Nantes |
Peter Oswald | Institute for Numerical Simulation |
Nicolai Pastoors | Technical University Dortmund |
Juan Manuel Peña Ferrandez | University of Zaragoza |
Götz Pfander | Katholische Universitä Eichstätt-Ingolstadt |
Gerlind Plonka | University of Göttingen |
Hartmut Prautzsch | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Vladimir Protasov | University of A'quila |
Mihai Putinar | University of California, Santa Barbara |
Christophe Rabut | University Toulouse Capitole |
Holger Rauhut | RWTH Aachen |
Ulrich Reif | University of Darmstadt |
Lucia Romani | University of Bologna |
Jose Luis Romero | University of Vienna |
Amos Ron | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Maria Lucia Sampoli | University of Siena |
Tomas Sauer | University of Passau |
Reinhold Schneider | Technical University Berlin |
Larry Schumaker | Vanderbilt University |
Joachim Stöckler | Technical University Darmstadt |
Thomas Strohmer | University of California, Davis |
Alberto Viscardi | University of Bologna |
Felix Voigtländer | Katholische Universitä Eichstätt-Ingolstadt |
Dingxuan Zhou | City University of Hong Kong |