On the class of canonical systems corresponding to matrix string equations: fundamental solutions, asymptotics of Weyl functions and inverse problems

Alexander Sakhnovich (U of Vienna)

Nov 08. 2022, 16:00 — 16:30

We consider canonical systems (with $2p \times 2p$ Hamiltonians $H(x)\geq 0$) which correspond to matrix string equations. Direct and inverse problems are solved in terms of Titchmarsh–Weyl and spectral matrix functions and related $S$-nodes. Procedures for the construction of the fundamental solutions and solving inverse problems will be given. Expressions for the high energy asymptotics of the Weyl functions will be presented as well.



Further Information
ESI Boltzmann Lecture Hall
Associated Event:
Spectral Theory of Differential Operators in Quantum Theory (Workshop)
Jussi Behrndt (TU Graz)
Fritz Gesztesy (Baylor U, Waco)
Ari Laptev (Imperial College London)
Christiane Tretter (U Bern)