Constraint qualification and the existence of multipliers for nonconvex infinite-constrained optimization problems in Banach spaces

Ewa Bednarczuk (Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw)

Jun 03. 2024, 10:00 — 10:30

In this talk we consider infinite-constrained optimization problems in Banach spaces  with both equality and inequality constraints. Regularity conditions for these problems  are usually expressed with the help of  Robinson and Kurcyusz-Zowe constraint qualifications which are difficult to be checked and fail to hold in many practical applications. In general, Slater-type conditions and surjectivity of the derivative of active constraints   imply Robinson, and Kurcyusz-Zowe regularity conditions. Our aim is to discuss regularity conditions when the derivative is not necessarily surjective. 
    We introduce sufficient conditions for the non-emptiness of the set of Lagrange multipliers.
    Our basic tools is the rank theorem and a generalization of Lusternik's theorem. The talk is based on the joint work with Krzysztof LeÅ›niewski and Krzysztof Rutkowski.

Further Information
ESI Boltzmann Lecture Hall
Associated Event:
One World Optimization Seminar in Vienna (Workshop)
Radu Ioan Bot (U of Vienna)
Yurii Malitskyi (U of Vienna)