Subleading structure of asymptotically-flat spacetimes

Marc Geiller (ENS Lyon)

Apr 17. 2024, 11:00 — 11:30

In this talk I will explain how a dictionary between the Bondi-Sachs and the Newman-Penrose formalism can be used to organize the subleading data appearing in the metric for asymptotically-flat spacetimes. In particular, this can be used to show that the higher Bondi aspects can be traded for higher spin charges, and that the latter form a w_infinity algebra.

Further Information
ESI Schrödinger and Boltzmann Lecture Hall
Associated Event:
Carrollian Physics and Holography (Thematic Programme)
Andrea Campoleoni (U of Mons)
Pedro del Real Lavergne (U of Vienna)
Laura Donnay (SISSA, Trieste)
Adrien Fiorucci (TU Vienna)
Stefan Fredenhagen (U of Vienna)
Daniel Grumiller (TU Vienna)
Stefan Prohazka (U of Vienna)