Celestial Conformal Primaries in Effective Field Theories

Prahar Mitra (U of Amsterdam)

Apr 03. 2024, 11:30 — 12:00

Scattering amplitudes in $d+2$ dimensions can be recast as correlators of conformal primary operators in a putative holographic CFT$_d$ by working in a basis of boost eigenstates instead of momentum eigenstates. It has been shown previously that conformal primary operators with $\Delta \in \frac{d}{2} + i {\mathbb R}$ form a basis for massless one-particle representations. In this paper, we consider more general conformal primary operators with $\Delta \in {\mathbb C}$ and show that completeness, normalizability, and consistency with CPT implies that we must restrict the scaling dimensions to either $\Delta \in \frac{d}{2} + i {\mathbb R}$ or $\Delta \in {\mathbb R}$. Unlike those with $\Delta \in \frac{d}{2} + i {\mathbb R}$, the conformal primaries with $\Delta \in {\mathbb R}$ can be constructed without knowledge of the UV and can therefore be defined in effective field theories. With additional analyticity assumptions, we can restrict $\Delta \in 2 - \mzz_{\geq0}$ or $\Delta \in \frac{1}{2}-\mzz_{\geq0}$ for bosonic or fermionic operators, respectively.

Further Information
ESI Schrödinger and Boltzmann Lecture Hall
Associated Event:
Carrollian Physics and Holography (Thematic Programme)
Andrea Campoleoni (U of Mons)
Pedro del Real Lavergne (U of Vienna)
Laura Donnay (SISSA, Trieste)
Adrien Fiorucci (TU Vienna)
Stefan Fredenhagen (U of Vienna)
Daniel Grumiller (TU Vienna)
Stefan Prohazka (U of Vienna)