Modelling mechanisms of chromatin folding, gene regulation, and aging

Ludvig Lizana (UmeƄ U)

Mar 07. 2024, 14:00 — 14:35

Alongside the ever-growing body of empirical data, theorists continue to develop and refine models to unravel the folding principles governing chromatin structure. The aim is to enhance our understanding of the causal relationships between chromatin structure, dynamics, and essential genetic processes such as gene regulation, DNA repair, and epigenetics. In this talk, I will highlight the contributions of our research group, showcasing how we employ tools rooted in complex network theory, stochastic processes, statistical mechanics, and polymer physics.

Further Information
ESI Boltzmann Lecture Hall
Associated Event:
Chromatin Modeling: Integrating Mathematics, Physics, and Computation for Advances in Biology and Medicine (Workshop)
Anton Goloborodko (IMBA, Vienna)
Tamar Schlick (NYU, New York)
Jan Smrek (U of Vienna)