Physical chemistry of interphase loop extrusion

Geoff Fudenberg (U of Southern California, Los Angeles)

Mar 12. 2024, 11:05 — 11:40

Loop extrusion constitutes a universal mechanism of genome organization, whereby structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) protein complexes load onto the chromatin fiber and generate DNA loops of increasingly-larger sizes until their eventual release. In mammalian interphase cells, loop extrusion is mediated by the cohesin complex, which is dynamically regulated by the interchange of multiple accessory proteins. In this talk I will present our progress towards models of cohesin loop extrusion fully constrained by availble biophysical measurements.

Further Information
ESI Boltzmann Lecture Hall
Associated Event:
Chromatin Modeling: Integrating Mathematics, Physics, and Computation for Advances in Biology and Medicine (Workshop)
Anton Goloborodko (IMBA, Vienna)
Tamar Schlick (NYU, New York)
Jan Smrek (U of Vienna)