Analyzing classes of SPDEs via RSDEs

Peter K. Friz (TU Berlin)

Feb 16. 2024, 09:00 — 09:40

Several SPDEs arise from SDE dynamics under partial conditioning of the noise. My talk will circulate on three concrete examples, the Zakai equation from non-linear filtering, the pathwise control problem suggested by Lions-Sougandis, and last not least a rough PDE approach to pricing in non-Markovian stochastic volatility models. Underlying all these examples is the notion of rough stochastic differential equations, recently introduced (jointly with K. Lê and A. Hocquet).



Further Information
ESI Boltzmann Lecture Hall
Associated Event:
Stochastic Partial Differential Equations (Workshop)
Sandra Cerrai (U of Maryland)
Martin Hairer (Imperial College London)
Carlo Marinelli (University College London)
Eulalia Nualart (U of Barcelona)
Luca Scarpa (Politecnico Milano)
Ulisse Stefanelli (U of Vienna)