Current fluctuations in noninteracting run-and-tumble particles in one dimension

Alberto Rosso (U Paris Sud, Orsay)

Oct 13. 2022, 10:00 — 11:00

I would like to present a recent work in collaboration with T. Banerjee, S. Majumdar and G. Schehr on the distribution of the flux through the origin up to time t, in noninteracting one-dimensional (active) run-tumble particles with a step initial condition.  While at large times the typical fluctuations of the flux are indistinguishable with respect to standard brownian particles, the fingerprints of the activity remain present and are at the origin of an anomalous large-deviation form.

Further Information
ESI Schrödinger and Boltzmann Lecture Hall
Associated Event:
Large Deviations, Extremes and Anomalous Transport in Non-equilibrium Systems (Thematic Programme)
Christoph Dellago (U of Vienna)
Satya Majumdar (U Paris Sud, Orsay)
David Mukamel (Weizmann Institute, Rehovot)
Harald Posch (U of Vienna)
Gregory Schehr (U Paris Sud, Orsay)