Simulating chiral spin liquids with projected entangled-pair states

Didier Poilblanc (U Paul Sabatier, Toulouse)

Sep 14. 2022, 15:45 — 16:30

Topological chiral phases are ubiquitous in the physics of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect. Aiming to reach the same phenomenology in spin-like systems, I will show how one can use the framework of projected entangled pair states (PEPS) to construct chiral spin liquids (CSL). Starting from a simple spin-1/2 chiral frustrated Heisenberg model, a faithful representation of the CSL phase is obtained in terms of a generic PEPS upon variational optimization, showing a perfectly chiral gapless edge mode and a rapid decay of correlation functions at short distances consistent with a bulk gap. As a direct concequence of the PEPS bulk-edge correspondence, one finds a concomitant gossamer long-range tail, an artifact expected to disappear for increasing bond dimension. Finally, I will also review recent progress to use  PEPS to investigate other models hosting non-Abelian and SU(N) CSLs. 

Further Information
ESI Boltzmann Lecture Hall
Associated Event:
Tensor Networks: Mathematical Structures and Novel Algorithms (Thematic Programme)
Frank Pollmann (TU Munich)
Norbert Schuch (U of Vienna)
Frank Verstraete (Ghent U)