Semi-discrete modeling of systems of disclinations and dislocations

Marco Morandotti (Politecnico, Torino)

Feb 20. 2023, 14:00 — 14:40

Disclinations in crystalline materials are point defects that are responsible for rotational kinematic incompatibility. They are characterised by the so-called Frank angle, measuring the severity of the lattice mismatch. In a two-dimensional medium under the assumption of plain strain, the Airy stress function can be used to translate the measure of incompatibility into a fourth-order PDE with measure data. 
We propose a variational model for disclinations in two-dimensional materials by means of the core-radius approach. Moreover, we identify a good scaling regime in which we study the effective behaviour of dipoles of disclinations (of opposite signs), thus validating analytically the results obtained in [Eshelby, 1966]: a dipole of plane disclinations generates an edge dislocation with Burgers vector perpendicular to the dipole axis. Finally, we study the energy of a system of a finite number of dipoles of disclinations and recover the results of [Cermelli-Leoni, 2005] for edge dislocations.

This is work in collaboration with Pierluigi Cesana (Kyushu University) and Lucia De Luca (CNR Rome).

Further Information
ESI Boltzmann Lecture Hall
Associated Event:
Between Regularity and Defects: Variational and Geometrical Methods in Materials Science (Workshop)
Stefano Almi (U Napoli)
Anastasia Molchanova (U of Vienna)