Research in Teams: Towards a Noncommutative Geometrical Approach to BV Quantisation

By extending the traditional tools of Riemannian Geometry to those of noncommutative geometry, one passes from the classical description of gravity to a theory that models, also classically, gravity coupled to elementary particles. Part of that community is interested in quantization approaches that resort to noncommutative geometric tools. In our project we address this viewpoint and address the quantization of two gauge theories: Yang-Mills and Chern-Simons, which arise from the physical action dictated by noncommutative geometry.

Research Team: Roberta A. Iseppi (U of Göttingen), Thomas Krajeweski (U Aix-Marseille), Carlos I. Pérez Sánchez (U of Heidelberg)

Dates of stay: July 27 - August 10 and August 19 - 31, 2024

Coming soon.


Name Affiliation
Roberta Anna Iseppi Georg-August-Universität
Thomas Krajewski University Aix-Marseille
Carlos Pérez Sánchez University of Heidelberg
At a glance
Research in Teams
July 27, 2024 — Aug. 31, 2024
Erwin Schrödinger Institute