The complex dynamics of soft matter systems have been a focus of study for decades. The importance of dynamic and transport processes is reflected in the many layers of complexity at different scales and areas, spanning from transport inside cells, anomalous diffusion in glasses, cell migration, and information flow in society. Continuous progress in the field of transport properties has been achieved, by studying experimental model systems that allow us to break the intrinsic complexity and tackle crucial fundamental physics and engineering challenges. The use of numerical models to study systems at different levels of description continuously allows us to gather new information and support theoretical and analytical approaches often based on a coarse-grained picture.
This workshop aims to cover the state of the art in various systems and approaches focused on the design, engineering, modelling and study of active and passive dynamics. Specifically, we aim to connect the theoretical and mathematical framework to the current experimental development, hoping it will lead to insightful discussions, tackling open challenges in the field.
*Only 25 Spots are available.
*Only 10 to 15 Selected posters
*REGISTRATION CLOSED on 20th of January 2024.
We aim to stir exciting discussions amongst early career and established researchers from an inclusive, equal, and respectful vision.
Prof. Roberto Cerbino (University of Vienna)
Dr. Sophie Marbach (Sorbonne University, CNRS)
Dr. Christina Kurzthaler (Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems)
Prof. Holger Stark (TU Berlin)
Prof. Sujit S. Datta (Princeton University)
Prof. Jae-Hyung Jeon (Pohang University of Science and Technology)
Prof. Agnieska Wylomanska (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology)
Prof. Diego Krapf (Colorado State University)
Dr. Gianni Pagnini (BCAM)
Dr. Nina Kravets (CNRS – LOMA)
Prof. Ralf Metzler (University of Potsdam)
Prof. Daniela Kraft (Leiden University)
Dr. Andrea Zöttl (University of Vienna)
Dr. Sarah Loos (University of Cambridge)
Prof. Lucio Isa (ETH Zurich)
Prof. Hamid Kellay (LOMA, Univetsité de Bordeaux)
Prof. Giovanni Volpe (University of Gothenburg)
Prof. Chantal Valeriani (Universidad Complutense Madrid)
Prof. Fernando Peruani (Paris Université & Université Côte d'Azur)
Dr. Demian Levis (Universidad Barcelona)
Dr. Stefania Melillo (CNR, Rome)
Dr. Alfredo Sciortino (Cytomorpholab - CEA, ESPCI)
Dr. Laura Scalfi (Free University Berlin)
Prof. Andela Saric (Institute of Science and Technology Austria, ISTA)
Prof. Hartmut Loewen (HHU Dusseldorf)
Prof. Liesbeth Janssen (Eindhovein University of Technology)
Dr. Nicolas Bain (CNRS - ENS Lyon)
Dr. Thomas Salez (CNRS- Université de Bordeaux)
Common Room
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Blackboard Hallway
Common Room
Name | Affiliation |
Laura Alvarez | University of Bordeaux |
Oleksandr Chepizhko | University of Vienna |
Vittoria Sposini | University of Vienna |
Name | Affiliation |
Nicolas Bain | Université Claude-Bernard Lyon 1 |
Michal Balcerek | Wroclaw University of Science and Technology |
Matan Yah Ben Zion | Radboud University |
Matteo Bessega | Università degli Studi dell'Insubria |
Roberto Cerbino | University of Vienna |
Debayan Chakraborty | Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal |
Alexander Chervanyov | University of Münster |
Jonathan Coldstream | University of Edinburgh |
Javier Cristïn | Insitute for Complex Systems, CNR Rome |
Sujit Datta | Princeton University |
Thomas Franosch | University of Innsbruck |
Rafael Gervasone | Politecnico di Milano |
Galor Geva | Universidad Autonoma de Madrid |
Lucio Isa | ETH Zurich |
Liesbeth Janssen | Technical University Eindhoven |
Jae-Hyung Jeon | Pohang University of Science and Technology |
Gerhard Kahl | Technical University of Vienna |
Sofia Kantorovich | University of Vienna |
Hamid Kellay | Laboratoire d'Ondes et Matiere Aquitaine |
Daniela Kraft | Leiden University |
Diego Krapf | Colorado State University |
Nina Kravets | Laboratoire d'Ondes et Matiere Aquitaine |
Christina Kurzthaler | Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems |
Andrey Kuznetsov | University of Vienna |
Demian Levis | University of Barcelona |
Diego Liberati | National Research Council |
Sarah Loos | University of Cambridge |
Hartmut Löwen | Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf |
Paula Magrinya | Universidad Autonoma de Madrid |
Juraj Májek | Institute of Science and Technology Austria |
Sophie Marbach | CNRS Paris |
Stefania Melillo | Insitute for Complex Systems, CNR Rome |
Ralf Metzler | University of Potsdam |
Antti Niemi | Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, Stockholm |
Abhimanyu Nowbagh | Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf |
Gianni Pagnini | Basque Center for Applied Mathematics |
Fernando Peruani | CY Cergy Paris Université |
Ilian Pihlajamaa | Technical University Eindhoven |
Regina Rusch | University of Innsbruck |
Thomas Salez | Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique |
Laura Scalfi | Free University Berlin |
Alfredo Sciortino | Cytomorpholab (CEA, ESPCI) |
Yihong Shi | Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization |
Holger Stark | Technical University Berlin |
Pece Trajanovski | Research center for Computer Sciences and Information Technologies, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts |
C. Heath Turner | University of Alabama |
Chantal Valeriani | Complutense University of Madrid |
Giovanni Volpe | University of Gothenburg |
Boyi Wang | Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems |
Agnes Wylomanska | Wroclaw University of Science and Technology |
Andreas Zöttl | University of Vienna |