Research in Teams Project: Modular Forms and Theta Correspondence for Exceptional Groups

Research Project: This Research-in-Teams project is devoted to the construction and study of representations and automorphic forms on exceptional groups via exceptional theta correspondences using minimal representations. It involves::

(i) a better understanding of minimal representations and Fourier transform on cones;
(ii) an understanding of the local theta liftings, such as establishing the Howe duality conjecture;
(iii) the precise determination of Fourier coefficients of theta lifts;
(iv) applications of the above to the (relative) Langlands program.

Research Team: Wee Teck Gan (NU of Singapore), Nadya Gurevich (Ben-Gurion U of the Negev), Aaron Pollack (UC, San Diego), Gordan Savin (U of Utah, Saltlake City)

Coming soon.


Name Affiliation
Wee Teck Gan University of Singapore
Nadya Gurevich Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Aaron Pollack University of California, San Diego
Gordan Savin University of Utah
At a glance
Research in Teams
April 16, 2022 — April 23, 2022
Erwin Schrödinger Institute