Higher Spins and Holography

Higher-spin (HS) gauge theories involve a massless particle of spin two, that is a graviton, together with (typically infinitely many) gauge fields of spin greater than two. An important motivation for their study originates from the long-standing difficulties encountered in the quantisation of gravity, which impel to explore extensions thereof that may have a better UV behaviour. Including fields of spin greater than two is mainly suggested by two observations: the constraints brought by a larger gauge symmetry may remove some UV divergences as supersymmetry does, and string theory does involve fields of arbitrary spin. HS gauge theories are indeed models of intermediate complexity with respect to these examples, and aspire to improve the UV behaviour of supergravity models without resorting to fully-fledged string theory and its plethora of additional particles.

The ESI programme is expected to foster further progress on the following developments:

  • Foundations and properties of higher-spin gauge theories
  • Holography
  • Tensionless limit of string theory
  • Applications

The programme is organized as follows:
Week 1: March 11 - 15, 2019 Introductory talks and seminar talks + public talk

Talk Schedule Week 1 Flyer (pdf)

Public Talk Prof. Marc Henneaux (U Libre de Bruxelles)
Gravitation and Quantum Mechanics: the biggest crisis in modern physics? 
Flyer (pdf) 

Week 2: March 18 - 22, 2019 Workshop

Talk Schedule Workshop Flyer (pdf)

Week 3: March 25 - 29, 2019 Seminar talks and discussions

Talk Schedule Week 3 Flyer (pdf)

Week 4: April 1 - 5, 2019 Seminar talks and discussions

Talk Schedule Week 4 Flyer (pdf)

For further information see programme Homepage.

Coming soon.

This event has no subevents associated to it.


Name Affiliation
Andrea Campoleoni University of Mons
Stefan Fredenhagen University of Vienna
Matthias Gaberdiel ETH Zürich
Daniel Grumiller Technical University of Vienna
Mikhail Vasiliev Lebedev Physical Institute


Name Affiliation
Hamid Reza Afchar Technical University of Vienna
Martin Ammon University of Jena
Dionysios Anninos King's College London
Arjun Bagchi Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Thomas Basile University of Mons
Dario Benedetti University Paris Sud
Klaus Bering Masaryk University
Alejandra Castro University of Amsterdam
Abhishek Chowdhury Technical University of Vienna
Sumit Ranjan Das University of Kentucky
David De Filippi University of Mons
Nicolas Delporte Université Paris-Saclay
Stephane Detournay Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Viacheslav Didenko Lebedev Physical Institute
Lorenz Eberhardt ETH Zürich
Marc-Antoine Fiset University of Oxford
Dario Francia Università Roma Tre
Oscar Fuentealba Centro de Estudios Cientificos
Olga Gelfond Lebedev Physical Institute
Rajesh Gopakumar International Centre for Theoretical Sciences
Maxim Grigoriev University of Mons
Marc Henneaux Free University of Brussels
Yasuaki Hikida Kyoto University
Carlo Iazeolla Guglielmo Marconi University
Antal Jevicki Brown University
Euihun Joung Kyung Hee University
Yegor Korovin Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Anatolii Korybut Lebedev Physical Institute
Konstantinos Koutrolikos Brown University
Olaf Krüger University of Vienna
Shailesh Lal University of Porto
Wei Li Chinese Academy of Sciences
Iva Lovrekovic Imperial College London
Sucheta Majumdar Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Javier Matulich Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Wout Merbis Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Nikita Misuna Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
Karapet Mkrtchyan Max-Plack-Institut für Gravitationsphysik
Ruben Monten IPhT Saclay
Mojtaba Najafizadeh IPM
Cheng Peng Brown University
Alfredo Perez Centro de Estudios Cientificos
Dmitry Ponomarev Texas A & M University
Massimo Porrati New York University
Predrag Prester University of Rijeka
Tomas Prochazka Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Stefan Prohazka University of Vienna
Joris Raeymaekers CEICO Prague
rakibur Rahman University of Dhaka
Radoslav Rashkov Sofia University
Vincent Rivasseau Université Paris Sud
Jan Rosseel Ruđer Bošković Institute
Jakob Salzer University of Barcelona
Maria Schimpf Technical University of Vienna
Ergin Sezgin Texas A & M University
Eugene Skvortsov University of Mons
Charlotte Sleight Institute for Advanced Study
Jiro Soda Kobe University
Dmitri Sorokin INFN
Harold Steinacker University of Vienna
Georg Stettinger University of Groningen
Bo Sundberg University of Stockholm
Per Sundell Universidad Andrés Bello
Massimo Taronna Princeton University
David Tempo Centro de Estudios Cientificos
Stefan Theisen Albert Einstein Institut
Ricardo Troncoso Centro de Estudios Cientificos
Takahiro Uetoko Ritsumeikan University
Orestis Vasilakis CEICO Prague
Timm Wrase Lehigh University
Raphaela Wutte Arizona State University
Yihao Yin Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Junggi Yoon Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics
Yurii Zinoviev Institute for High Energy Physics
Celine Zwikel Technical University of Vienna
At a glance
Thematic Programme
March 11, 2019 — April 5, 2019
ESI Boltzmann Lecture Hall
Andrea Campoleoni (U of Mons)
Stefan Fredenhagen (U of Vienna)
Matthias Gaberdiel (ETH Zurich)
Daniel Grumiller (TU Vienna)
Mikhail Vasiliev (Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow)