Categorification in Quantum Topology and beyond

Categorification is a flexible and powerful set of techniques and ideas, which produces insight about mathematical structures by viewing them as shadows of objects in a richer world, often described in terms of higher categories. Two important and interrelated categorification programmes, which are the basis for this workshop, concern the concepts of quantum link homologies and higher representation theory. Both have their origin in mathematics, but have since developed into some of the most fruitful grounds for collaboration between pure mathematics and theoretical physics. 

The goals of this workshop are twofold. The first week will make the rapid developments in these areas of categorification accessible to non-experts and intensify communication between specialists in these and related areas like TQFT, quantum Teichmüller theory, and gauge theory. The second week will be used to host a research conference with thematic emphasis on categorification of skein theory and 3-manifold invariants. 

We can offer limited funds to PhD students working on categorification in quantum topology, broadly defined, to attend the lectures in the first week. To register your interest, please write an email to, stating whether or not your home institute would financially support your stay, and briefly describe your work (in two or three sentences). For planning reasons, we appreciate early notes of interest; the final application deadline for support for the first week is October 15, 2018. 

Schedule Week 1, January 7 - 11, 2019 (pdf)

Schedule Week 2, January 14 - 18, 2019 (pdf)

Coming soon.


Name Affiliation
Nils Carqueville University of Vienna
Anton Mellit University of Vienna
Paul Wedrich Australian National University


Name Affiliation
Rostislav Akhmechet University of Virginia
Saeid Aminian University of Prague
Aleksandra Anokhina Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics
Leon Barth Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Anna Beliakova University of Zurich
Johannes Berger University Hamburg
Christian Blanchet University Paris-Diderot
Alex Chandler North Carolina State University
Zsuzsanna Dancso University of Sydney
Angelo Raffaele Fazio Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Domenico Fiorenza La Sapienza University of Rome
Victor Godet University of Amsterdam
Evgeny Gorskiy University of California, Davis
Mikhail Gorsky University of Stuttgart
Sergei Gukov California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Kazuhiro Hikami Kyushu University
Quoc Ho Institute of Science and Technology Austria
David Jordan University of Edinburgh
Joel Kamnitzer University of Toronto
Tina Kanstrup University of Aarhus
Oscar Kivinen University of California, Davis
Thang Le Georgia Institute of Technology
Yongchao Lu Uppsala University
Maciej Markiewicz University of Warsaw
Mathew McMillan University of California, Los Angeles
Alexandre Minets Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Shuang Ming University of California, Davis
Vincentas Mulevicius Max Planck Institute for Mathematics
Gregoire Naisse Université Catholique Louvain
Emily Norton University of Bonn
Can Ozan Oguz Galatasaray University
Tomasz Przezdziecki University of Edinburgh
Krzysztof Putyra University of Zurich
Hoel Queffelec CNRS, Montpellier
Jacob Rasmussen University of Cambridge
David Reutter University of Oxford
Elia Rizzo Université Catholique Louvain
Louis Hadrien Robert University of Genève
Raphael Rouquier University of California, Los Angeles
Ingmar Saberi University of Heidelberg
Pablo Sanchez Ocal Texas A & M University
Nicolle Sandoval Gonzalez University of California, Los Angeles
Oliver Singh Durham University
Kursat Sozer Indiana University
Catharina Stroppel University of Bonn
Piotr Sulkowski University of Warsaw
Joshua Sussain City University of New York
Lórànt Szegedy Max Planck Institute for Mathematics
Daniel Tubbenhauer University of Zurich
Pedro Vaz Université Catholique Louvain
Emmanuel Wagner University of Burgundy
Dominic Weiller Australian National University
Arik Wilbert University of Melbourne
Yue Zhao University of California, Davis
Zechuan Zheng Ecole Normale Supérieur Paris
At a glance
Jan. 7, 2019 — Jan. 18, 2019
ESI Boltzmann Lecture Hall
Nils Carqueville (U of Vienna)
Anton Mellit (U of Vienna)
Paul Wedrich (ANU, Canberra)