Research in Teams Project: Traveling Waves in Hydrodynamics

This project concerns nonlinear water waves in stratified rotational flows. The goal of this project is to analyse model equations describing the coupling between surface waves and internal waves propagating at an interface which separates fluids of different densities under the influence of gravity. Particular emphasis will be given to traveling wave solutions of these equations for which an in-depth mathematical analysis will be performed, applying methods from dynamical systems and qualitative ODE theory.

Research Team:

Armengol Gasull (U Autonoma de Barcelona), Anna Geyer (Delft U of Technology), Víctor Mañosa (U Politecnica de Catalunya)

Coming soon.

There is currently no participant information available for this event.
At a glance
Research in Teams
July 1, 2018 — July 31, 2018
Armengol Gasull (AU Barcelona)
Anna Geyer (TU Delft)
Victor MaƱosa (PUC)